Interactive News for the World

10th February 2025

Website Tutorial

We initially planned to keep our website design as simple as possible. Of course, as with all great plans and businesses, the process turned out to be far more complicated than we anticipated. Luckily after much work and dedication, we have finally developed a website that is both effective and easy to use. The Metropolitan Global Website is now finally complete and ready to be shared with the world!
Since we understand the platform may initially take some time to get used to, we have created this guide with everything you need to know. In short, the Metropolitan Global has five different sections, each of which serves a specific purpose to our mission. Here’s what you should know about each section.

The News Page

The first section is our News page. The News Page is our primary platform for communicating with our members. It will also function as a conduit for informing the outside world of our movements and help disseminate information regarding the Citizen’s Jury and our deliberation in acting on the jury. The News Page was designed to combine old-time newspapers with our modern information portals into something that is digestible for everyone.

The User Wall

Included in the first section is the User Wall, a personalized space where each user can express themselves and document pertinent information. This is also where users can stream articles and videos from the web and share them on their walls. The quick reference tab on the right gives easy access to a list of World Atlas news sources. The reference tab can be explored at your discretion. The other great place to find new sources is our second section or the source page.

The Source Page

The Source Page is a world atlas catalog of information from across the globe. Add sources you find interesting on your wall for quick reference. We are in the process of adding more sources, and if you don’t see one of your favorites, please reach out, and we will add it to the atlas. Don’t forget that you can always manually add any video or article source to your wall anytime. To find a source, click on a country, scroll to the source list, and add your sources to your user wall with the "Pinned" button on the right.

The Discussion Forum

The third section contains The Discussion Forum. The Discussion Forum is a big deal. It is where we will open ideas up to debate, discuss which is best, and determine how to execute it best. The Forum consists of two subsections. On the right, you will find a live chat for discussing current events in real time. On the left is an area for posting ideas and responses to those ideas. Before the 15th of the month, we encourage you to post an idea, problem, or organization that could use our help.
Each idea is paired with a like button. The more likes an idea gets, the higher it will rank on the voting page. We will take a primary vote and then open the floor to discussion and deliberations. During this phase, we will determine how to best use the money toward the objective. The vote will take place in our fourth and final section, The Vote Section.

The Vote

The Vote is where all the magic happens. Once you’ve updated yourself on the news and created a user page with the source list, you can discuss current events with your fellow citizens in the Discussion Forum. Then you will like the ideas you want passed and move on to the voting page.
Each user gets two votes per month, so choose carefully. Once the votes are tallied, we document and film the fulfillment of the selected idea. That could be picking up trash, feeding the homeless, donating to cancer research, or whatever imperative garnered the most votes.

We sincerely hope our site grows into a force for good. As it does, we plan to add more designs and improved functionality to make the member experience the best. Until then, we will stick to this basic but elegant format.

See you there!

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