What is the Hypothetical Imperative and Why does it matter?
Immanuel Kant, an Eighteenth Century German thinker, as part of his ethical philosophy, defined the Hypothetical Imperative as “A rule of conduct that is understood to apply to an individual only if he or she desires a certain end and has chosen to act on that desire.”
The above definition, as can be seen, deals with activities of humanity that are practical and situational. As a result, the Hypothetical Imperative contrasts with Kant's more widely known proclamation of the Categorical Imperative. While Kant provides several formulations of the Categorical Imperative, the most useful for this paper is that one's life should be conducted in such a manner, as you would be willing to make it into a universal law. The Categorical Imperative, then, points to certain actions that should be followed or refrained from that are applicable to all human beings, at all times and in all places, regardless of the ends that we may seek to attain. For lack of a better term, the Categorical Imperative points to eternal values, the Hypothetical Imperative to the temporal.
Those of you who accept our invitation to become part of of this virtual community are likely to do so because of your appreciation for the balance of the Categorical and Hypothetical Imperatives within it. Many of you will find a greater and deeper appreciation for the eternal values that the Categorical Imperative points to through the religious or philosophical traditions to which you are committed. We encourage you both to explore these insights and share them with the greater community in your personal page. We only ask that in so doing, you keep in mind another formulation of the Categorical Imperative, i.e., “Don't do to another what you would not want another to do to you.” However, this discussion is primarily focused on Kant's concept of the Hypothetical Imperative, and how that concept can be applied to the goals that we as a community seek to achieve. As can be seen, Kant recognizes that there are several elements for the implementation of the Hypothetical Imperative: 1) It is a rule of conduct, 2) that is applicable to an individual, 3) only, 4) if the individual desires a certain end, and 5) chooses to act on that desire.
This means that if you wish to obtain a certain outcome, you greatly maximize your probability of success if you determine what the steps are a prerequisite for the desired outcome and then take those steps. To put it simply, if you want X to occur, you should do A, B, and C, but should not do R, S and T.
We at the Metropolitan Global are seeking to implement the Hypothetical Imperative collectively. Each of us recognizes that as individuals we are weak, but united we are strong. Gulliver was restrained when individual Lilliputians collectively bound him with thousands of tiny threads. We recognize that we face a difficult task before us. We are asking that each of us be willing to put aside our differences in order to work together to solve some of the problems that we all recognize need to be dealt with.
For the Metropolitan Global, everything begins with the individual. The individual member of our virtual community will suggest worthy objects for the Metropolitan Global's benevolence. Whatever idea garnishes the most votes wins, granted it does not violate universal moral law.
Many of you are recognize the limitations of this approach. Some of the thorniest problems that face humanity cannot be cured by throwing money at them. Sometimes more money merely makes the problem worse. The Law of Unintended Consequences is alive and well in the Twenty-First Century. For that reason we encourage individual members of the Community to respectfully point out when an infusion of cash will make things better, and when it will make things worse.
The real strength of the Metropolitan Global is the opportunity for individuals seeking to accomplish some common good to network together. Discovering that another shares your vision of a good that needs to be done is the sun's rays that by shining through dark clouds gives hope that the storm may end. To discover that another is willing to work with you is to discover the first flower of Spring. It is that hope and that discovery that is the heart and soul of the Metropolitan Global.